BudgetBoxit2017-12-29T16:00:21+01:00 Web Site budget form Name * Surname * Email * Phone * Population * Address * Estimated date * Possibility to park truck * ANDNO Distance from parking to portal * - 20- 50+ 50 Planta * Lift * AND NO Cubic meters * 1015202530+ 30 Hiring period (in months) * - 3- 6- 9-12+ 12 Sofa1 Sofa Plazas 234 Disassemble ANDNO bridge Armchair Units 1234 Mesa Mesa Plazas 2468 Disassemble ANDNO Chairs Chairs Units Wardrobe Wardrobe Measurements Disassemble ANDNO Cama Cama Measurements MarriageSimple Disassemble ANDNO small furniture small furniture Units Medidas max 1,20m x 1,20m. weight up 25 kg per unit Lamps Lamps Units Disassembling household appliances ANDNO Washing machine Washing machine Drying machine Drying machine Dishwasher Dishwasher Oven Oven Microndas Microndas Fridge Fridge I would like to keep my things in your boxes Comments